What exactly is ‘progressive discipline’ in the eyes of the Alberta courts to justify dismissal ‘for cause’?

What exactly is ‘progressive discipline’ in the eyes of the Alberta courts to justify DISMISSAL ‘FOR CAUSE’?

Understanding ‘Progressive Discipline’: A Route to Justifiable DISMISSAL ‘FOR CAUSE’ IN ALBERTA – An Insight by Osuji & Smith Lawyers

In the realm of employment law in Alberta, maintaining standards for performance and behavior is crucial for organizational function and repute. Employers, particularly in Alberta, have often grappled with the complexities surrounding the termination of employment contracts, specifically concerning justifiable dismissal ‘for cause.’ At the heart of this complex legal landscape is the concept of ‘progressive discipline,’ a system designed to provide employees an opportunity to correct conduct while giving employers a legal cushion against unfair dismissal claims. The legal experts at Osuji & Smith Lawyers, known for their comprehensive understanding of labor laws in Alberta, delve deep into the intricacies of progressive discipline, providing clarity for both employers and employees in recognizing and navigating this critical process.

Understanding Progressive Discipline: ‘Progressive discipline’ is a corrective process employed by companies to address an employee’s unsatisfactory performance or misconduct. Rather than resorting to immediate termination, this approach involves a series of escalating steps, providing the employee with clear notice of the shortcomings and ample opportunity to improve.

As Osuji & Smith Lawyers elucidate, the key stages, although varying slightly depending on employer policies and the severity of the infraction, typically include:

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Written warning
  3. Final written warning or suspension
  4. Termination

For the Alberta courts, each stage is a critical testament to the employer’s commitment to procedural fairness, underscoring that the ultimate step – dismissal ‘for cause’ – is neither rash nor unexpected.


What exactly is ‘progressive discipline’ in the eyes of the court to justify dismissal ‘for cause’ in Alberta
What exactly is ‘progressive discipline’ in the eyes of the court to justify dismissal ‘for cause’ in Alberta


Legal Backdrop in Alberta: In Alberta, employment relationships are principally governed by the Employment Standards Code and common law. While the Code sets minimum standards, common law (court decisions) often fills in the gaps, particularly in cases of job termination. According to Osuji & Smith, unlike a layoff or dismissal without cause – where notice or pay in lieu is standard – dismissal ‘for cause’ occurs under serious circumstances, such as consistent underperformance, violation of policies, or egregious misconduct. Here, the employer, alleging a fundamental breach of contract, terminates employment without notice or severance pay.

The Role of Progressive Discipline in ‘For Cause’ Dismissal: From a legal standpoint, the role of progressive discipline is paramount in justifying dismissal ‘for cause.’ Courts scrutinize the employer’s disciplinary process to ensure it was fair, consistent, and reasonable, given the circumstances. “The essence,” Osuji & Smith Lawyers explain, “is not in the punishment, but in providing a genuine opportunity for the employee to understand the gravity of their actions and undertake corrective measures.”

The Alberta courts assess various elements:

  1. The clarity in communication: Was the employee clearly informed about the specific issues with their performance or conduct? Were company expectations and potential consequences of non-compliance communicated effectively?
  2. Reasonableness of expectations: Were the employer’s expectations from the employee, considering their role and responsibilities, reasonable?
  3. Opportunity to improve: Was the employee granted a fair chance to rectify their performance or behavior? Was there follow-up on improvement, and were any resources needed for success provided?
  4. Consistency: Was the progressive discipline policy applied consistently with all employees or was there discrimination?

Cases where employers hastily jump to termination without a structured disciplinary process often fall short of the legal requirements for dismissal ‘for cause.’ As such, they may face legal repercussions, including compensatory damages.

Special Circumstances: However, it’s critical to note that in cases of severe misconduct (e.g., theft, violence, fraud, or breach of trust), the employer may have grounds to proceed directly to termination, bypassing progressive steps. Nonetheless, the onus remains on the employer to prove that the misconduct occurred and was sufficiently serious to justify immediate dismissal.

Concluding Remarks: 

Progressive discipline, as interpreted through countless legal scenarios addressed by the courts, acts as a protective mechanism for employees’ rights and a guide to employers’ lawful exercise of their disciplinary powers. It fosters a transparent, fair, and improvement-oriented work environment, often diffusing potentially volatile employment disputes by its structured, communicative approach.

As Osuji & Smith, Calgary Employment Lawyers emphasize, navigating the legalities surrounding ‘for cause’ dismissal necessitates a nuanced understanding of employment law, underscoring the value of expert legal counsel for both employees and employers. By adhering to the principles of progressive discipline, employers in Alberta can stand on solid legal ground, ensuring that if the employment relationship reaches the point of no return, the pathway leading there is paved with fairness, clarity, and due process.