The impact of signing severance packages ‘just like that’ in Alberta

The impact of signing severance packages ‘just like that’ in Alberta

The Consequences of Hastily Signing Severance Packages in Alberta, Insights from Osuji & Smith CALGARY EMPLOYMENT LAWYERS

In the corporate world in Alberta, the departure of employees, whether voluntary or involuntary, is often accompanied by the provision of severance packages. These packages are designed to facilitate the transition for employees as they exit the company, providing financial support and other benefits. However, the decision to accept these terms shouldn’t be taken lightly or done hastily, as emphasized by the employment lawyers at Osuji & Smith, a reputable employment law firm specializing in employment law in Calgary, Alberta. Understanding the complexities and potential long-term impact of signing severance packages without due consideration or legal counsel can prevent complications and loss of entitlements for employees.


Before delving into the implications of rashly signing off on severance packages in Alberta, one must understand what these packages entail. Severance packages are compensation agreements provided to employees upon their departure from a company, typically when they are laid off due to reasons non-attributable to direct fault, such as organizational restructuring. These packages may include various components such as:

  1. Monetary compensation
  2. Continued health benefits
  3. Career counseling or job search assistance
  4. Additional perks contingent on the employee’s position and tenure

In Alberta, the employment standards code sets forth guidelines for termination notice or pay, outlining the minimum requirements. However, many employees may not realize they could be entitled to more than what’s stipulated as the statutory minimums based on common law principles.

The impact of signing severance packages ‘just like that’ in Alberta
The impact of signing severance packages ‘just like that’ in Alberta

The Peril of Quick Decisions Regarding Severance Packages: INSIGHTS FROM OSUJI & SMITH EMPLOYMENT LAWYERS

The legal professionals at Osuji & Smith note that one of the most significant risks associated with hastily accepting a severance package, especially without legal review, is the potential undervaluation of one’s entitlements. Here are several reasons why quick decisions can be detrimental:

  1. Lack of Clarity and Understanding: Often, individuals may not fully comprehend the legal jargon used in severance agreements. There might be clauses that are restrictive or conditions that the employee fails to understand fully, leading to agreements that are not in their best interest.
  2. Waiving Rights: By signing a severance agreement, employees typically agree to waive their rights to pursue legal action against their employer for wrongful dismissal or other entitlements. If the package is unjust or inadequate, particularly in instances of wrongful termination, employees might inadvertently forego their rights to fair compensation.
  3. Undervaluing Entitlements: Employees often underestimate their worth and the potential compensation they are entitled to. Factors such as years of service, position within the company, age, and the circumstances surrounding the termination play crucial roles in determining a fair severance package.
  4. Emotional Decision-Making: The period following job loss can be fraught with emotion, which can cloud judgment. The immediate financial security a severance package offers may overshadow its long-term implications, causing employees to rush into agreements that short-change them in the long run.


Osuji & Smith, employment lawyers underscore the importance of seeking legal counsel before accepting any severance package. Experienced employment lawyers bring clarity, advocacy, and negotiation skills to the table for several key reasons:

  1. Reviewing and Explaining Agreements: Lawyers can decipher the complex language often used in these agreements, ensuring individuals fully understand what they are agreeing to and identifying any potential red flags within the document.
  2. Assessing Fairness: Employment lawyers are equipped with a deep understanding of employment law and precedents and can determine whether the proposed package is fair based on various individual factors and comparable cases.
  3. Negotiating Better Terms: Armed with legal insight and experience, lawyers can often negotiate more favorable terms for clients, ensuring their rights and interests are protected and advocated for. This negotiation can result in better financial outcomes and more satisfactory terms of departure, reflecting the employee’s true value and circumstances.
  4. Providing Peace of Mind: Having a professional handle the negotiation removes the emotional aspect of the process. It also reassures clients that they are making informed decisions, preventing future regrets or financial hardship due to hasty decisions.

Informed Decisions are Empowering Decisions

The landscape of employment law, particularly in Alberta, holds complexities that laypersons may find challenging to navigate. The decision to sign a severance agreement should never be made hastily or under undue pressure. As the experts at Osuji & Smith emphasize, understanding one’s rights and seeking proper legal advice is not just about securing fair financial compensation; it’s about respecting and upholding the dignity and worth of one’s professional life. By opting for informed decision-making, employees empower themselves, turning a potentially negative experience of job loss into an opportunity for advocacy and positive transition.