Termination Letter in Alberta Review

You Received a Termination of Employment Letter in Alberta. Now What?

The Necessity of Having Your Termination Letter Reviewed by Osuji & Smith Calgary Alberta Employment Lawyers

Receiving a termination of employment letter in Alberta can be a challenging and stressful experience. It’s a pivotal moment that can significantly impact your career and personal life. In Alberta, as in other jurisdictions, the terms of your termination are subject to specific legal standards. This is where the expertise of employment lawyers, specifically those at Osuji & Smith in Calgary, Alberta, becomes invaluable.

Understanding Termination of Employment in Alberta

Before delving into the process of having your termination letter reviewed, it’s crucial to understand the basics of employment termination in Alberta. Termination of employment can occur in various forms – with cause, without cause, or as a result of constructive dismissal. The law in Alberta requires employers to provide either notice of termination, pay in lieu of notice, or a combination of both, except in cases of dismissal for cause.

Why Review Your Termination Letter?

  1. Legal Rights and Entitlements: An employment lawyer can help ensure that your termination letter complies with the Employment Standards Code and common law entitlements in Alberta. This could mean more severance pay or benefits than initially offered by your employer.
  2. Understanding the Terms: Termination letters often contain legal jargon that can be difficult to understand. A lawyer can clarify the terms and conditions, ensuring you fully understand your obligations and rights.
  3. Negotiating a Better Deal: If the terms of your termination are not fair or lawful, an employment lawyer can negotiate on your behalf for a better package.
  4. Future Employment Concerns: A lawyer can advise on how the termination might affect your future employment and ways to mitigate any negative impacts.

The Process of Termination Letter Review by Osuji & Smith

Osuji & Smith, a reputable employment law firm in Calgary, specializes in employment law and offers comprehensive services for reviewing termination letters. Here’s what you can expect in the process:

  1. Initial Consultation: The process typically begins with an initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll discuss the circumstances of your termination and provide the lawyer with your employment contract and termination letter.
  2. Document Review: The lawyer will thoroughly review your termination letter and employment contract. This includes assessing any severance package offered and ensuring it aligns with Alberta’s employment laws.
  3. Legal Analysis: The lawyer will analyze whether your employer has met their legal obligations. This includes evaluating if the termination was carried out legally, if the notice period or severance pay is adequate, and if any terms might be unenforceable.
  4. Advice and Recommendations: Based on their analysis, the lawyer will provide advice and recommendations. This might include accepting the offer, negotiating for a better package, or in some cases, pursuing legal action.
  5. Negotiation and Resolution: If negotiation is recommended, your lawyer will communicate with your employer or their legal representatives to reach a more favorable agreement.
  6. Finalizing the Agreement: Once an agreement is reached, your lawyer will ensure that all legal formalities are completed to finalize the arrangement.

Losing your job in Alberta can be a difficult experience, but understanding your rights and options is crucial. Having your termination letter reviewed by experienced employment lawyers like Osuji & Smith in Calgary can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive what you are legally entitled to. This professional guidance not only provides peace of mind but can also result in a more favorable outcome in what is undoubtedly a challenging time in your career.