If you asked me to describe my life in a word, I would choose ‘wonderful’ without hesitation. Sometimes I miss what once was more than I care to admit, but my gratitude for where life has led me doesn’t waiver with this confession. I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, and perhaps that is why I cherish my journey the way I do.
My home in Taiwan harboured hurdles for me; some I found throughout my career in trade and business as an office manager, and others in the form of intrusive social interactions with strangers. This being said, I also had a deep-rooted familiarity with my city streets, daily routine, and quiet dinners with my family. Despite all of this, even after over thirty years of life, I still didn’t know who I truly was and desperately wanted to find out.

At first, I had planned to limit my stay in Canada to a year, as that was the length of leave I had taken from my job. I found work upon arrival in a restaurant kitchen, and attended English lessons, determined to learn as much as I could. Success soon followed, even with the dynamics of culture and power occasionally testing my spirit. Toward the end of my first year here, my employers extended an offer of continued employment. I didn’t have my decision ready right away, so I was given two weeks to make a choice. In that time, I took a trip through the Prairies, my mind grappling with what felt like an endless list of things to consider. The stability of my career and the support of my family was waiting for me to return, but I loved all I had explored while in Canada. I had gained valuable experiences and finally felt like I was learning who I was. While on my return bus ride, I looked out the window at the empty autumn outline and felt a sense of surrender. At that moment, I knew I was meant to stay. I had made my choice.

These memories remind me of all I’ve been through. I can now say that I am fulfilled by my own strength to face my choices and overcome what stands in my way. As an immigrant to Canada, I can admit to feeling lucky for the beautiful community I get to be a part of every day while also recognizing the obstacles I have faced. Moving here and creating the happiness I have always craved has been my favourite challenge yet, and has really taught me what it means to be myself. So yes – if you asked me to describe my life in a word, I would still choose ‘wonderful’. Without hesitation.
Please note that certain facts have been altered for anonymity.
This story is a collaborative effort between Vonn Beaulieu and Poppy Liu.